The theory of Chinese Medicine is based upon the concept that the body is made up of channels, or meridians, through which Qi, meaning 'life force' or 'breath', flows through. The balance of Yin and Yang, and the Five Elements, (Wu Xing) are also considered when looking at the body, and it is important that all these aspects maintain equilibrium to promote a healthy being.
Yin and Yang exist together and when they are balanced, the body is in optimum health. They are never static, and are constantly interacting with each other, changing throughout the day and through different stages of your life.
They have opposing characteristics that cannot exist without the other. For instance, daytime is Yang to night time's Yin. Some Yang qualities are movement, heat, dryness, rising and hardness. Some Yin qualities are stillness, coolness, moisture, descending and softness.
Also the Five Elements (fire, earth, metal, water, wood) or Wu Xing, must all be working in harmony to enable all the organs in the body to function correctly. Organs are not referred to in the same way that they are in Western Medicine, meaning a specific piece of flesh. When mentioning organs in Chinese Medicine, it is the functions related to them that are of importance.
Illnesses, emotional strains, injuries and change of environment are some of the things that can have an effect on your Qi, and can cause an imbalance. These imbalances may appear as pain, difficulty sleeping, digestive problems or low energy, to name a few.
Acupuncture is used to return the body to a harmonious state, by accessing Qi within the channels, and therefore reducing or eliminating symptoms. Specific points are chosen on the body dependant on the area affected, the function that it may have upon a specific organ or channel, the connection it has with other channels, and sometimes due to it feeling tender upon palpation (Ah Shi).